Thursday, August 14, 2014

Too school for Cool

My dear readers, I am so sorry it has been so long since I have posted.  I have learned something about myself this summer.  I can't get anything done when Your Royal Highness is home.  Something about wanting to go do stuff since I don't have any kids to babysit other than my own.  We spent a lot of time at the pool and at the zoo, and so I was MIA for the summer.  Now I know, I own it, and we have an understanding.  I just can not be responsible enough to be required to do anything in the summer.

But I do have a wonderful little story for you that will make you feel much better about yourself.

I am officially the most embarrassing mom at Your Royal Highness's middle school.

My precious little pearl started middle school this week.  6th grade.  I am all anxious and tied up in knots for him.  I did not have the best middle school experience.  I was so awkward, and I was picked on a lot by some boys because i was kinda dorky looking, and I did not have great social graces.  I was not, shall we say, COOL by any means.  To my friends who were friends with me back then, you are amazing people.  Anyway, I did not have a fun time, and I am just a hot mess about the boy being in middle school.  I keep trying to give him cool comebacks when kids talk smack to him, (I can do that now, I am a lot funnier now), and try to teach him how to own any mistakes he makes so that he looks less awkward that I was.

Let's play Where is Waldo??  This is me in 6th grade, in the red striped shirt.  Yikes!
So the kid had orientation last week.  Parents were not allowed to be there.  So here I am dropping my big boy off with friends at the school, just praying he doesn't get swallowed alive.  The directions to us as parents, "Drop off is in the back of the building, pick up is in the front."  After dropoff, I parked the car around front to go in and pick up his school supplies that i had ordered.  I went in, and when the lady hands me the box, she says, "Now some parents pick up their child and just take the supplies right up to their locker so they don' have to carry them to school on the first day."  I said, "ok" and left.  I knew I better just do what they school directed or YRH would get confused.

I come back with my little ones 20 minutes early, so I could get a good spot right in front of the school, so he would see me.  The time arrives, kids file out, no YRH.  Parents with supplies go in, more kids file out, no YRH.  It is now 20 minutes AFTER they were to be released, No YRH.  I am right in front of the door!  I gave him 5 more minutes thinking he was having issues with his locker, or schedule, or something.  No YRH.  Finally I walk up to the door, and open it.  He is RIGHT FREAKING THERE!  Talking to a friend animatedly, and smiling.  He sees me and runs over, quickly changing his expression to one of worry, "Where were you???  I thought you forgot about me!"  I ushered him into the car, and explained that if he would have come OUTSIDE like he was SUPPOSED TO, or even just LOOKED OUT THE FRIGGIN DOOR, he would have seen me sitting there.

So we start to talk about orientation.

ME: "Did you get your schedule?"
YRH: "Yep, here." hands it to me.
ME:"Did you get your bus info?"
YRH:"No.  It says you can just call."
ME:"They didn't' have a list there?"
YRH:"Yes, but you can just call to get it."
ME: "Seriously??  You could have asked the guy!!  Now I have a chore to do!  Did you see where your classes were"
YRH: "No, They couldn't find my schedule.  They had to go print out another one."
ME: "Well did you at least go see where your locker was?"
YRH: "No, there were a lot of people down that hallway. It was crowded."
Me: (Shaking my head)  Your whole job was to find this stuff man!!  What did you do the whole time.
YRH: Nothin....

Turns out, he was in the wrong room for orientation, and that is why they didn't have the right information for him.  HE WAS IN THE WRONG ROOM.

Let me then fast forward to yesterday.

First day of school.  I had nightmares all night about waking up late, and losing his schedule, missing the bus, all sorts of bad things.  I was tired when I woke up.  We get him ready and send him off in all of the first day of school pomp and circumstance (picture on the front step, big breakfast, ect.).

His bus for the morning was one number.  His bus for the afternoon to come home is a whole other number.  I remind him of this as he leaves.  He bus is due home at 3:01pm.

2:55, I am changing the diaper of one of the kids I babysit for, when I see a bus drive by.  I did not
see the number because I was turned away from it, but I figure, "Oh, well, must be a little early today."  I wait, No YRH.  I look out the door, no YRH.  Oh crap.

 "He missed the bus."

I hurry and call the bus garage, "My son did not get off of his bus."  I gave her all of the important details, name, class, school, bus he was supposed to be on.  She puts me on hold for what feels like FOREVER, and finally comes back, "Your son is on the bus.  That was the high school bus that you just saw."  "Oh, ok.  Sorry about that."

My son storms in the door 15 minutes later (and about 10 minutes later than what  the schedule says)  "Mom, did you call the bus garage??"  I stared at him innocently.  "Yes, I thought you missed the bus.  Why?"  "Well, we were late getting home because they had to radio EVERY SINGLE BUS to see "is YOUR ROYAL HIGHNESS on this bus? His mom is worried he was on the wrong bus."  I gulped. "Every bus?  can you hear what they say on the radio?  Is it loud?"  "Yeah it is loud! I was in the back and heard it!"

Nothing like starting my boy out in middle school on the right foot.  I am sure he is so cool now!

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