For example, we had a guy our senior year, right in the middle of the day, run across the campus buck naked, with nothing on but some shoes and a ski mask. I remember it really well, because I was in Physics class, and we were doing a project outside, and we NEVER got to do anything fun in that physics class. Our teacher was pretty old, a real stickler for the rules, and was really, really boring. I tried in that class really hard, I did, but I managed to eek by with a D, and I was an honor student! Member of the National Honors Society! I was going to school for Pre Veterinarian Medicine at Ohio University in the Fall. But stupid Physics was killing me! It also didn't help that I was having a major case of senior-itus. Anyway, we were outside actually doing a fun, hands on activity. People were outside for post lunch socializing, so it was pretty loud out there. All of a sudden I hear a roar of laughter, start from one end of the campus. It traveled up to the middle, where we were, and then I saw him. Mr. Happy, waggin in the wind as he ran pell mell past us, and
into the adjacent parking lot, hop into a waiting car, and speed away. Hilarious!!!! Now, I will say, he didn't actually get away with it per say. He had to miss walking at graduation, but it was epic and something that most of our graduating class still talks about. Could you imagine doing that in your mid 30's? Just sitting in a board meeting, and all of a sudden a naked guy comes running down the hall past the windows of the room you are in, in a ski mask? Not necessarily hilarious, and could be potentially terrifying!
Another thing, house parties. A friend of mine had a house party when his parents were away one

Then there were the endless high school sports games we attended. We didn't go really to support our

Plus I don't even like going to every one of my son's games when he is in sports. It was all I could do to get through the 6 weeks of flag football he was in last spring. If it was raining, I would look mournfully at the Admiral, "Oh, there is no way I can take the little ones out in this, tell Your Royal Highness good luck, and I love him!" But in high school, every. single. game. Well, it also may have had something to do with me being in the band.
And finally, we had a Friday night tradition, where after the game, those of us in the band would all go out and toilet paper each others houses. It didn't matter if we did or didn't' like you, we would TP the crap out of your house. Probably, if we liked you, we would do an even better job. At 9:30, we would return to the band room, disrobe of our uniforms, drop off our instruments, and (if you could drive) would gather as many people as possible into your car, and head to Meijer, or Kroger, or wherever, and buy as much cheap toilet paper as we could. Again, could you imagine trying to do this now???? What the heck would the cashier think? I would probably say something like, "Sorry, we all just ate a lot of Mexican food. Need to be prepared!" Plus, I can't imagine going over to my friend's house that lives two streets over, and in the middle of the night, creeping outside of her house, hoping she won't see me, as I defile her house with bathroom tissue. Not to mention, all of the cash I wasted. Do you realize how much TP costs now a days??? Good Lord, I could get a mani pedi, and a massage with the amount of money I spent on a typical friday night.
So, Moral of this story:
Stupid things + Teenager = Funny and good memories
Stupid things + adult = Stalker/creeper behaviors, and jail time.
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