Monday, September 1, 2014

In suuuuummmer!!!!

I told you all in the last post that I really really suck at the whole blogging thing in the summer time.  I just can't seem to get my butt in gear to get it done!  Not that I am not thinking about it, or even because I am too busy.  No, it is because I am so off schedule and lazy.  How pathetic is that?  I am too lazy to sit at my computer and rant.

But it isn't just the blogging that goes off kilter.  I seriously am glad to be back to work because the lives of my children and any semblance of a schedule was completely gone.  Our usual schedule is a beautiful one.  With lots of time for the kids to play, and be creative, mixed with things they need to do. Here is my day during the school year:

6:00 I wakes up, make coffee, troll facebook, and get my wits about me
6:30 Kids wake up, and pull ups are changed, breakfast is started (usually eggs and toast, or something hearty)
6:45 Kids that I sit for arrive and all sit down to eat breakfast
7:30  Your Royal Highness is off to school, we head to playroom for morning free time/ I sit and finish coffee and watch the news
9:00 Snack time
9:30 Play outside
10:00 story time/ learning activity/ crafts
11:00 lunch
12:00 Nap begins/lunch for me then clean the house
2:30 Kids wake up/snacktime
3:00 Play outside/Your Royal Highness returns from school and does homework
4:00 Head to playroom to clean up from the day
4:30 kids that I watch are picked up/I start making dinner
5:30 Dinner
6:00 Admiral takes kids while I clean up dinner mess
6:30 Play outside
7:00 Snack
8:00 Story/brush teeth/ kisses good night
8:30 attempt to watch TV while subsequently yelling at kids to go back to bed (aka whack a mole)
9:00 Whack a mole is over, and send Your royal highness up to read
9:30 kiss Your royal highness good night
10:30-11 Admiral and I off to bed

Now of course there are minor variations, but for heavens sake, that is a pretty awesome schedule,
wouldn't you say?  I have all of the ducks aligned, and the stars in a row.

Here is my schedule we had for the summer:

7:00ish I wake up because a child is awake and so I should get up so that they don't destroy the house
8:00 Admiral asks if I have made coffee yet
8:30 Make breakfast, usually just cereal or something that can go in the microwave
9:00  I realize I should probably get the kids out of their pajamas at some point.
9:30 Decide that today will just have to be pajama day until we have to go somewhere.
10:00 Snack for littles, and breakfast for your royal highness because he just got out of bed
10:30 The fighting is getting on my nerves, decided we need to get out of the house.  Get kids dressed, Your royal highness whines because he just woke up and doesn't want to go anywhere.
12:00 Decide to go to the pool
1:00 At the pool remember we haven't eaten lunch.  Order crap from the snack bar.
1:30 Head home for nap
2:00 Take a nap with the kids.  Wake up after 5 minutes in a panic because the house looks awful and we have friends coming for a playdate tomorrow.
2:05 Start cleaning like a madwoman
3:00 Wake up the kids because if they sleep any later they will not go to bed at night. As a result, very crabby kids
4:00 Take kids outside to play, force your royal highness to go outside.  He goes out and sits on the porch with his Ipod.  Decide that this is ok, because at least he is outside
5:00 Start dinner
6:00 Eat dinner/ Admiral takes kids outside/ I clean up dishes and take my time because I really don't want to go back out there with them.  I have just about had enough of them for the day.
7:00 snack.  Yes it is only an hour after dinner, but the kids did not eat their dinner anyway, so they are hungry.
7:30 pajamas/story/teeth brushed/bedtime
8:00 Try to watch TV while playing whack a mole
9:00 still playing whack a mole
9:45 Take one of the girls into our room because they are just refusing to sleep, which is my fault for nap being so late.  This results in a huge tantrum
10:00 Tantrum is over, girl back in bed, both now asleep.  Send up Your royal highness to read, to which he replies he is so tired and he will read double tomorrow (yeah right).
10:30 Admiral looks at me and says, " I am so tired. I am going to bed. You coming?" I then wake up from my nap on the couch and say "Sure".  I barely brush my teeth and fall immediately to sleep.

For my sake and the sake of others around me, I am very happy we are back to normal. 

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