Monday, December 16, 2013

My inner cookie monster

It is Christmas.

I am a weight watcher, and recently diagnosed Gluten Sensitive.

And I am the official cookie baker for the family.  Sigh....

 I love to bake.  Let me say that again.  I LOVE TO BAKE.  It is relaxing, and it has all of the aromatherapy I need to put me in a good mood.  I like to bake cookies the most, because they are little bite sized pieces of love.  It is the most clean fun one can have in a kitchen.  I love the way the mixer whirrs, and the sound of eggs cracking.  I love the feel of the dough as I spoon it onto the baking sheet.  And I love, love, love the smell it makes.  Cookies to me, are just about the most perfect food.  I have found the perfect recipies for cookies that are not too cake-y, crunchy, and just the right amount of chewy.  I have done a lot of trial and error, and have mastered it. 

And this year.  I can't eat it. 

This is just about the saddest thing in the world to me at this moment. 

I have been trying to avoid them, but sometimes I just can't resist. Then everytime I try to eat one of my creations, I feel really ill afterward.  Great for Weight Watchers I suppose, no added pounds or extra points to count from cookies, if I really want to look at the bright side.  (there is no bright side to this people.  Spare me.)

And, it is not  memories of making cookies with my mom  that make cookies so special to me, my mom is not a cookie maker.  She is a pie maker (mmmmm....pie is good too...).  So I do not have some cherished memory thing going on there.  It is literally the cookie itself that makes me happy.  A round little piece of yummy-ness that just makes you smile when you eat it.  Try taking a warm cookie out of the oven, and (after it cools of course.  Been there done that mouth burn.  I am worse with waiting for cookies than I am with coffee!) take a bite and try to NOT be a little happier.  You can't.  You just can't be completely unhappy while eating a warm chocolate chip cookie.  I mean, I have had tears, and then taken a bite, and still not smiled, but my soul was grinning on the inside.  And we all think the same thing in our heads when we eat it.  "Mmmm.  Cookie.  Good.  Mmmm." 

I am not talking about the store bought variety.  It is not the same.  In fact, some of those store bought "cookies" are an abomination. You might as well just call them sweet crackers.  Pffft, calling themselves cookies.  No, a cookie is sort of crunchy, but sort of chewy and just a little soft.  It goes stale if you don't eat it in a few days, and therefore must be consumed fast.  Those storebought "cookies" will last forever.  There is no love in them.  No aromatherapy.  A cookie is an event, not a grab and go.  Real cookies are meant to mean something.

Which is why I am so sad about this stupid gluten intolerance.  I found a flour that will make a passable cookie.  It works for chocolate chip, but not sugar or gingerbread (my other two favs).  But even in the chocolate chip, the texture is not the same.  sigh.... 

Oh cookie...why have you forsaken me???? 

I guess I will just have to substitute dark chocolate love for cookie love.

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