Monday, December 2, 2013

Tis the season, but not the one you are thinking of

Twas the day after Thanksgiving,
And, this happens a lot,
The children were covered with
Sneezing and snot.

Right after the holiday
my kids always get sick,
The person who gave it
 to them will be hit.

But just like each year
after turkey and stuffing,
The kids all get fevers
and noses start running.

It never does fail!
During each Christmas season,
the littlest one, little man,
starts up  wheezing

 I look in my med drawer
and pick up the potions.
Albuterol, tylenol
Vicks vapor rub lotion

And motrin and NyQuil,
suction-nose aspirator,
And steam baths, and tissues,
and that damn humidifier.

I use the whole arsenal
of flu-timey weapons,
and just cause God loves me
I also need tampons (really?!?!?!?  Now?!?!)

 Up at the hours of
12, 3, 5, and 7.
Then no nap for me ,
But they get one (that's heaven.)

Cleaning up puke, and
tossing used tissues.
Getting little man to take his inhailer
(he has some issues)

But this dance is a dance
that I do every year.
And in dealing with sick kids
for weeks, I'll shed tears.

But this is a part of
having big families,
One will get sick,
then soon all feel lousy.

And we will get through it,
Somehow always do,
And one or both of us
Will get the stomach flu. (usually the Admiral)

Our  pictures will all
have kids with red  noses,
To match Rudolf's I guess,
in our Santa Clause poses

Christmas eve will have carols
of coughing and mucus,
and if we are lucky
One of them puke-as.

Christmas day is one,
We have yet to enjoy,
with all of the kids
usually whiney (Oh boy!!)

Then we go down south
to visit the family.
We make at least one trip
to Urgent care, usually.

And just in time for
The new Years day feast,
When I think that I have
had only 2 hours of sleep,

They all start to get better!!
Just in time for the end!
And this is how all of my
holiday's go, friend.

This year is no different.
The kids are all sick.
My house feels infested
with the germs and the ick.

Every year!  Every time!
The present, and past.
But I hope that  YOU have
A Merry Christ-mas!

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