Friday, November 8, 2013

Party Animal

People are liars.

And I mean about EVERYTHING.  The good news is, I am not even sure they realize they are doing it most of the time, because I would like to believe that people are just naive, and not evil.

For example, last night I went to a jewelry "party" that I was invited to.  I have gone to a lot of these "parties" in my life.  Let's be honest here, and call it what it is.  It is not so much a party, as it is a live infomercial.  You sit and listen to the representative go on and on an on about how wonderful the product is, be it jewlery, kitchen gadgets, candles, bags, or home decorating stuff, and they give you all of the reasons why it is so wonderful. Then they let you look around, look at a catalog, and then you get the pressure to order right now, because if you don't, then the "hostess" aka, your friend who conned you into going to her "party" with the promise of snacks and wine, won't get free stuff.  And who wants to be the d-bag that doesn't get her girl free stuff?  So I pay $40 for a piece of costume jewelery, or for a spatula, or for a candle,  just so my girl can get a free apple-peeler-corer-slicer, that I could have bought for her for $10 at Target
and just gifted it to her.  But I feel bad double for going and not getting something, because #1, they liked me enough to invited me over for this, and #2 I know they had to take all of the trouble to clean their house because they were having people over. (And trust me, I know what a huge ordeal that is!  It is like a girl shaving her legs for a date night with the hubs, and then not getting any later. Its like "well what did I go to all of that trouble for???")

But the "party" thing is getting out of control.  They have one for everything now!  You name it there is a "party" for it.  The one that I have not been to yet, but am really curious about are the "romantic" items.  Mostly because I want to know how the heck do they demo those???  I know for a certain kitchen gadget party, they prepare a whole bevy of snacks using all of the tools that they want you to buy.  And for the jewelry "parties", they want you to try on all of the jewlery.  The one I went to last night, the sales lady told us, "try it on, play with it, have fun."  Do the sales ladies for those "romantic" parties give out those items and say "try it out, play with it"?  Or do they stand in front of you and do a demonstration?  It just seems like a weird sort of line of items to have a party for.  Just sayin...

Now, don't get me wrong,  I do not think that these "parties" are a bad thing.  I mean, Avon has been around for years, doing essentially the same thing,  but they never called it a "party". I don't think they really called it anything, it was just "Avon calling!"  and you got to play around with make up.  Mary Kay doesn't call them parties, they call them demonstrations.  I guess, when I think of "party" I think of a paaaar-taaay, not stting as a memeber of my own personal "sham-wow" commercial. 

But, to my friends out there, please don't not invite me, because you guys all make the best snacks for these things, and I really like snacks......and getting away from my kids for a couple of hours. 

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