Wednesday, October 30, 2013

My first Halloween post

In honor of Halloween, I thought that i would share a few things that scare the crap out of me.  Please feel free to add to my list in the comments section with things that scare the crap out of you, because it will make me feel better about being lame.

1. Unexplained noises
Now, I am not talking about the usual creaking and groaning of the house, or little things that you would hear in a horror movie that would mean imminent doom.  I am talking about that humming that I hear in the basement.  The reason this is so scary you ask?  Well, because my mind immediately runs to the place of  "Oh my gosh, it is the gas line, it is leaking, the house is going to blow, and we are all going to die!"  I will search and search for the source of this noise until it is found even if it takes all night.  (Just for your information, it was a vent cover that was vibrating a little bit everytime the heat would turn on.  The Admiral pushed it all the way in place and it is all quiet now.)

2. Letting my arm hang off the edge of the bed
How many nights have I woken in a start because I feel my arm hanging off of the bed?  So many.  So so so many.  You never know when some flesh eating monster is going to come out from under your bed and bite of your arm, or worse, drag you under the bed!!!  (Thank you so much Poltergeist!)

3.  Too many birds hanging out together
I do not have a fear of birds.  I don't.  My niece does, and my friend who rhymes with shalyssa does.  But not me.  However, I am very very suspicious of too many birds hanging out on my lawn together.  Makes me think they are up to something...(like planning on attacking the local elementary school, or gas station.  Thank you so much Alfred Hitchcock!)

4. The shower, but only sometimes.
Let me make this clear, I am not one of those people who constantly thinks there is some terrible thing waiting for me around every corner.  That being said, I do not enjoy showering in places that do not have a shower curtain that you can either see through, or that lets enough light through to see shadows.  I used to have a navy blue shower curtain, and I could not see a darn thing through that curtain.  So every time, I was just waiting on Norman Bates to be on the other side of that thing with a wig and a giant butcher knife.  (Again, Alfred Hitchcock, I thank you!)

5. Abandoned cemetery.  
A giant well manicured cemetary....completely peaceful
An abandoned cemetery with a rickety little wrought iron fence around it.....completely terrifying

6. Long dark hallways
I do not enjoy a long dark hallway at home, or otherwise. I used to work at a preschool that had two floors, and one time I had to go in there at night to get my phone that I had left there.  Upstairs where my classroom was, there is a long long hallway, that reminded me a lot of the hotel in The Shining,  and since it was night time, it was dark.  I am not kidding when I tell you, I left the phone until the following Monday, because hell no that is why. (Thank you The Shining!)

7. Children
I am not scared of children in general, and most of you know that.  But I am scared of creepy children.  At the preschool that I mentioned working at before, In my classroom was the utility closet.  We kept extra cots and things in there.  One day I was getting in there to get a mop to clean up a mess, when one of my angelic little ones said to, what I thought, was me, "Oh, hi there."
"Hey there buddy."  I said back.
"No, I wasn't talking to you." he said as if i were crazy.
I looked around, "Oh yea?  who were you talking to?" (um, don't ask questions you don't want the answers to goofy girl!!)
"I was talking to Mace Windu.  He lives in the closet." (Just in case you don't know who that is, Mace Windu is Sam Jackson's character in the Star Wars movies.  So apparently a big black bald man is in the closet.) I looked back into the closet I was reaching into and saw nothing.
"Where is he?"
"Duh!  Right in front of you!" 
I slammed the door.

8. Movies
I am sure you have now gleaned the fact that I am a big ol puss when it comes to movies.  But I LOVE scary movies.  I don't even know why I do it to myself.  But I do.  Now I don't watch many of the newer scary movies, because come on people, CGI is just waaaay too convincing these days.  I like the old movies, like the original Halloween, and Friday the 13th, and stuff like that because, you can TELL it is corn syrup, and fake knives.  But even with all of the fake stuff, it still manages to scare the holy crap out of you!  I guess I just don't understand why things had to get so real in scary movies.  The old stuff was fake and fine!  It did it's job on me anyway.  So I avoid things like "The Conjuring" and "Paranormal" and the like because, it is just too real.  And honestly.  There are so many real things in this world already that are scary, that I just cannot do that to myself. Those of you who can, more power to you.  Just don't ask me to go with you.  I will curl up on my couch with the Admiral, a bowl of popcorn, and the movie "Prom NIght" or "Carrie", or "The Shining", or "When a Stranger Calls" and be perfectly scared and content.

Happy Halloween everyone!!


  1. Not to add insult to injury, but the shower curtain in Psyco was semi-see thru!! Just sayin! lol

  2. You forgot CLOWNS! Freaks of nature I tell you.
