Thursday, October 3, 2013

Ten things you really need to know about me

So I have been posting for about two months now, and  I realize that though most of my audience is my friends and family, there is actually a portion of my audience to whom I am a complete stranger!  (Quick shoutout to the 50 people that are following my page in Indonesia!  Thanks for reading!)  So I thought I would give you all the 10 most essential things you need to know about me. 

#1. I am a huge nerd.  
I am really a big dork.  I own this.  I flaunt this.  And I have no apologies for my love of all things Harry Potter, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, the new Star Trek movies, any movie that the Sci-Fi network puts out (I do NOT love them for content, merely for the comical aspect of it.  I mean come on, Dino Croc will be a cult classic very soon.  It is a Dinosaur and a Crocodile hybrid!  WHAT IS NOT TO LOVE?!?!)  and my goal is to one day make it to Comicon.  I have a whole board on Pinterest dedicated to this, where I pin all kinds of things dedicated to my love for all things nerdy.  I have not had a chance to watch Dr. Who, but not because I don't want to, I just seriously do not have time.  My fantasy is for The Admiral to walk in one day dressed as Harry Potter, to which I will be his Ginny.  I want a wand, because I am convinced I am magical, and I will be able to make this work. Hogwarts did not contact me because I am in America, and I did not see any Americans in the movie, so they must not get invited. They probably don't take FAFSA anway.  I would have made a wonderful addition to the Fellowship of the Ring, and I am convinced Frodo would have made it there sooner had I been on the committee. 

#2.  I really do love my kids
I know I complain and rant a lot about my children.  I may lament over mistakes that I make with them, and I seethe with frustration sometimes, but I am completely head over heels in love with my kids.  I do little things for them, because of the love i have for them, and when they don't appreciate it, I rant.  They are ungrateful, and test boundaries, but that is part of the job we sign up for.  It does not mean we have to love and cherish every single moment I we are with them.  Sorry if I don't weep at the memory of Mini Me smearing poo on her wall as a toddler, or Little Man throwing himself down in the middle of a parking lot at Giant Eagle because he didn't want to go in. 

#3  I used to have a life outside of the house
I really really did used to have a life.  I was a preschool teacher (so sometimes I really do know what I am doing, though I may not look like it.)  and I used to work with other adults, and have adult conversations and lunch breaks, and go out for happy hours, and all of that fun crap.  I had a brain.  But staying home day after day, month after month, year after year, with little else on during the day except mind-numbing Nick Jr. shows, singing songs about feelings, and washing hands, and brushing teeth, I think my brain has melted away a little bit.  Atrophy from lack of real use.  So when all I am doing is numbers 1-10 for the last 12 years and "what sound does B make", and my son brings me home his 5th grade math homework, or a friend starts talking about their job, my eyes kind of glaze over because that part of my brain has not been tapped into for a really long time and the synapses are like a rusty rail-road tie.  Hard moving the train forward, due to lack of use.

#4 I have a rather large family
I am the youngest of 7.  I have three brothers and 3 sisters.  Holidays are fun and loud and awesome.  We all get along.  I know some of you, well, most of the people I have talked to are either not close to their family, or don't get along, and stress out about things like Thanksgiving.  I have to say, I can relate to a lot of stuff, but not this one.  So you will not hear me rant about my siblings or parents.  They rock.

#5 I am a horrible housekeeper.  
I complain a lot about my house and how dirty it is, but really, I am just as big a culprit as the kids.  I tend to leave plates and cups out, throw dirty clothes on the floor, and when I do clean, I miss a lot of stuff.  The Admiral was in the Navy, and so it kinda drives him crazy.   When we do argue, this is a big one.  He just doesn't see how I can forget about a load of laundry that has been in there, and has been rewashed 3 times.  I will say, he does a lot around the house.  He does all of the yard work, fixes anything that breaks, takes out all the trash, and is the chief vaccumer of the house.  When I say vacuum, I mean this man vacuums stuff that I didn't even know you needed to do.,  Like light fixtures.  And air vents, and baseboards. Did you know that those tools on the back of the vacuum actually do stuff??  ME EITHER!!  I hate housework with a passion.

#6  I sing.  All. The. Time.
I sing a lot.  When I am in the car I sing.  When people catch me singing, and smirk, I stare into their eyes and sing like I am singing to them, (which catches them off guard and is really funny how they go from thinking I will be embarassed to BEING embarrassed.) I sing when I am frustrated. For example, singing "You better clean this room up or I'll ground your butt, right now" sung to 'A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.'.  My kids love this.....(pause for hysterical evil laughing)

#7 Not the wino I seem to be.
I talk about loving wine, but I rarely have the opportunity to actually drink it.  My kids are early risers, and are up at the buttcrack of stupid.  Usually like 6am.  So if I drank wine as often as I wish, I would wake up to a house in chaos, because when I drink even one, I sleep like the dead.  And these people can not be trusted to get up and be to their own vices with me asleep.  They just cannot.  I shudder to think what I would find. 

#8 I am a points counter
I am doing weight watchers and have been for about a year now.  I look at food, and the first thing I think is 'how many points is that??'  I have never done so much mental math in my life. 

#9  I love to shop, for other people.
I love to go shopping.  I will drop a wad of cash on a gift for someone else, but when it is for me, I plead poverty.  I will walk around in a grubby T shirt, and holey socks for weeks, because I don't want to spend the money on buying new ones, but will not even blink at dropping $80 for a gift for my mom or dad.  I will happily buy my children new clothes or books, but am reluctant to spend $10 on a pack of hanes her way socks.  Makes no freakin sense at all.  The Admiral shakes his head at me on this one.

#10  I am horrible with directions.  Horr. I. ble....
I have a negative sense of direction.  I can get lost driving out of my own subdivision.  I get turned around in the grocery store.  I lose my car if it is the only one in the lot.  Do not give me verbal directions, I need a written out plan, with landmarks and a map.  And do not ask me to give you directions, because I WILL get you lost.  I will.  It is unfailing.  Lost on the island with the smoke monster lost. 

So now I think we know each other a little better.  Hopefully you will still keep on reading.  And if not, may the force be with you, live long and prosper!


  1. You forgot something... you always leave something behind when you go to visit people :-) Love you!

  2. No, that is intentional, so I have to go back to see them. ;)
